#PactOfAmsterdam to help European cities
EU Urban Agenda: „European cities must increase their influence on EU legislation, access to European funds and knowledge exchange. These are the main issues to be discussed at the informal ministerial meeting on the Urban Agenda for the EU and the Pact of Amsterdam to be held in Amsterdam on Monday 30 May. A new feature is that the priority themes of the Urban Agenda will be addressed in partnerships.“
Wir sind da zwar nicht ganz so überzeugt, aber lassen uns überraschen, was auf europäischer Ebene demnächst geschehen soll.
http://urbanagenda.nl/urban-agenda-for-the-eu-infographics/ Quelle: The #PactOfAmsterdam, to be signed today, recognizes the importance of affordable #housing.
We are convinced that the EU Urban Agenda and the housing partnership in particular is a key tool to get us closer to our #housing4all vision.