USA: #NewUrbanCrisis in Late #Capitalism. @peteharrisonnyc about the new book by @Richard_Florida
HomeBody – The housing network for landlords and tenants: „The Urban Crisis in Late Capitalism
… Mr. Richard Florida has undergone a commendable self-correction. He acknowledges that the great urban revival hasn’t happened. Outside of a few ‘superstar cities,’ too many places in America haven’t benefited from the ‘creative class.’ Even the gains made in those cities haven’t been shared and haven’t led to an expansion of opportunity for others. As a result, Most Americans still live in the suburbs or want to move there eventually. Poverty in the suburbs is in fact exploding as a result of some of these trends in cities. Cities aren’t part of the solution. If anything, they are exacerbating the problem.
Mr. Florida has also come to recognize the larger structural issues facing cities around class and race that were neglected in his original work. Building tech and young-friendly neighborhoods with great amenities and transportation networks doesn’t help existing working-class or poor residents and makes it too expensive to attract new ones. Too many of the benefits are going to a small pool of affluent, educated residents that are mostly white.
Mr. Florida outlines several city-level and state-level policy suggestions about how to mitigate some of these stratifying elements. Some are worthy of support, others are not as comprehensive. … .“