Leipzig und andere #Großstädte in bunten Stereotypen #Hipster, #Studies etc. @CityLab – hoodmaps.com/leipzig
CityLab: „Hoodmaps asks which neighborhoods attract hipsters, tourists, and students, and more.
You probably know where the hipsters, students, or rich people people hang out in your city. But when you’re traveling somewhere new and want to know the same thing, where can you go to figure it out?
Hoodmaps might have your back. Launched in July, this crowdsourced, color-coded map features more than 2,000 cities around the world, letting users draw and highlight parts of each city depending on what kind of urbanite they think is most likely to be found there.
Each city is divided into six color-coded categories: hipsters, “normies,” suits, tourists, “uni” (students), and rich. Users can also add tags wherever they want to say something that goes beyond one of the six categories. …. .“