Der dpa-Artikel von Birgit Zimmermann über "Leben und Leiden mit dem Hype um 'Hypezig'" zieht seine Kreise, so etwa bis in die englischsprachige Ausgabe der Zagreber Internetzeitung In der kroatischen Hauptstadt sind die angesprochenen Probleme ja nicht fremd.
"Not everyone is thrilled by all this, and there is some resistance. In the internet, a call was sent out by leftist groups inviting people to a counter-demonstration called the "Parade of the Invisible." In the appeal, the groups said "1,000 years of Leipzig? This Party is not our Party. Okay, we have been invited to dance, but we'll be coming only as uninvited guests."
The groups plan to protest against rising rents, marginalization, neo-liberal economics, and against the "old story of creative Hypezig, where there is still room for people and cultural diversity." "–is-leipzig-overhyped-as-it-celebrates-millennium-birthday/545533
"Hypezig": Is Leipzig overhyped as it celebrates millennium birthday – World Report – World -…
Young and hip and full of hype, the city of Leipzig is about to celebrate its 1,000th birthday. Not everyone, however, wants to cheer the place…