Ostrava (CZ): So, 10.12.16. Seminar Právo na město!/ #RechtAufStadt. Eine Abbildung aktueller Kämpfe um die Stadt in den Ländern des ehemaligen Ostblocks Seminar: RIGHT TO THE CITY! Mapping current struggles for the city in the former Eastern Bloc countries. Invitation has been accepted by: Gaspar Miklós Tamás (HU) Arnošt Novák (Autonomní sociální centrum Klinika, CZ) Jan Blažek (CZ) A Város Mindenkié/Stadt für alle (HU) – http://avarosmindenkie.blog.hu/ Utopia.sk (SK) – http://utopia.sk/liferay/home Kulturou proti chátrání/Mit Kultur gegen den Verfall (CZ) – http://www.kulturouprotichatrani.cz/ Chceme bydlet!/Wir wollen wohnen! (CZ) – http://solidarnisit.cz/ Iniciativa Ne Rasismu!/Initiative Nein zu Rasismus! (CZ)- https://nerasismu.noblogs.org/ Probuď domy/Erweckt die Häuser (CZ) Platforma pro sociální bydlení/Plattform für soziales Wohnen (CZ) – http://www.socialnibydleni.org/cs The seminar will deal in the widest possible extend with the concept of the right to the city and its implications in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc. It is based on the fact decent housing is the need and the law which more and more people are losing globally now and it is threatened not only in the Czech Rep. but also in other regions. Additionally, we experience the boom of xenophobic and nationalistic tendencies in deprived areas. Two views of the city and its development are repeatedly in collision. One of them is the approach to the city as an environment for life and for the development of our relations and realisation of ideas. The other one is based on using the city as a tool for creating income and enforcing ownership rights. Therefore we would like to bring activists and thinkers from the left-wing spectrum of Central European countries in one place at the same day. Combination of speakers from different places of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary may thus provide a more comprehensive picture of struggles in this area. The seminar is organized in a cooperation with Pražská škola alternativ and with a financial support of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.