#Ostdeutschland: @TheEconomist: Fading echoes. East Germany’s population is shrinking. #DemografischerWandel
The Economist, 15.4.2017: „The rest of the country, and large swathes of Europe, will face similar problems in future
WERE it not for the graffiti on abandoned buildings, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, two towns north of Leipzig joined as one in 2007, would seem devoid of young people. Pharmacies, physiotherapy surgeries and shops selling garden gnomes line the sleepy streets. In its heyday the place had a booming chemical industry. Today “the air is much cleaner and we can finally hang out laundry,” says an elderly local out on a morning stroll. “But many jobs were lost and so few children are left.” He points out a building that was once a school; today it is one of many care homes. … .“
Wenn man aktuellere Zahlen zur Bevölkerungsentwicklung als die INKAR-Prognosen 2012 bis 2035 berücksichtigen würde, müsste man jedoch ein deutlich differenziertes Bild zeichnen, vor allem für den Ballungsraum HAL/LE. Ob Bitterfeld-Wolfen davon jedoch profitieren wird?